_
by
subject/balance
(c)
dec.
sd/sp
thanks
to
motion/blc
for
sample-support!
the
cosmic
roles
are
written
on
sundry
parchments
tinted
with
fire
blue
vibrations
of
pulsating
flame
energies...
g-force
dimensions
abstract
planes
of
sound
and
sight
-
sun
ra
for
a
tune
&
nothing
else,
try
->
k.
schultz
aalykkevej
2,
esrum
dk-3230
graested
denmark
hi
2:
pantera,chorus,
julius,vocal,astro,mr
.king,marvin,roscoe,c
ondom,twin
freaks,sli
de
+
all
in
blc&psn!
__
=
freedom.