i
n
j
e
c
t
o
r
(let
me
try)
by
zodiak
http://www.fm.org
zodiak@fm.org
stridell@m-media.se
stridell@arosnet.se
made
this
in
the
26th
of
December
-96
pianos
and
pads
were
lent
from
Mick
Rippon
Thanks
to
Lemm
for
the
neat
songname.
:)
hi
#trax
!!
who
am
i
and
who
are
we
tell
me
why
constantly
people
lie
and
don't
see
let
me
try
to
pull
you
free
(ok
Jak
so
now
i'm
doing
silly
poems
too)
dedicated
to
my
sambo
(C)
Erik
Stridell