-(
cornercut
)-
t.j.
technoiZ
My
Wonderful
World
sketch
#I:
dreamdance
oo:og
-
oz:zz
o6.oI.zoos
scribes
under
the
ske:
i
knew
that
if
i
won't
finish
this
tune
now
i
won't
finish
it
ever.
simple
crappy
sketch
about
the
wonderworld
noone
lives
in
but
me
that's
it,
fellas...
backside
of
the
ske:
mongol,srb(ske),vibe,
crasher_,igor
c,_zmej,
dedanis,rain,manwe,
bitl,peaceprayer,noof;
crc,varga,just-x,kcn,
tsifra
crew,sands,
7dump,zeitnot
(rip).
---
please
listen
the
tune
in
fast
tracker
][
or
modplug
player
(best).
---
(c)
zoos,
cornercut
(c)
zoos,
tj
technoiZ
varga
digits
system
used.