{
workbench
}
of
[
Level-d
]
..
.pres.
/
To
a
Distant
Friend
.
../
:/
written
in
nov.
97.
:/
7min
10s.
:/
8bit
version.
:/
Use
ft2.8...
at
least
for
playing
this
song
:)
greetings
fly
to
:
Virago,
Slackjaw
&
Orion
of
Level
D...
All
the
members
of
EpZ...
And
to
all
of
you,
friends
&
unknown
!
:/..
.
dedicated
with
love
to
Marcey
.
..
:--------------
copyrights
Workbench
&
Level-D
--------------: