Old
record
Sfx
Metalhit
hihat
#1
hihat
#2
hihat
Crash
Splash
Tambourine
Bd
#1
Bd
#2
Snare
Orion
rim
Clap
Mark
Tree
Trinity
Piano
#01
Trinity
Piano
#02
Trinity
Piano
#03
Trinity
Piano
#04
Trinity
Piano
#05
Trinity
Piano
#06
Trinity
Piano
#07
Trinity
Piano
#08
Trinity
Piano
#09
Trinity
Piano
#10
Trinity
Piano
#11
Power
Chord
Sighing
Pad
Bass
Choir
Bass
Pad
QSynth
Bass
#1
QSynth
Bass
#2
QSynth
Bass
#3
Power
Choir
Lead
Angel
Choir
Classical
Strings
_________________________
One
of
a
kind
(c)
Acumen
-------------------------
My
contribution
for
the
"Hugi
Diskmagazine"
(issue
#18).
-------------------------
Sample
Credits:
#Warder.
Most
of
the
samples
I`ve
used
are
his
own
handwriting.
Without
his
great
work
and
effort
on
those,
my
song
have
seen
daylight
at
all.
Thanks
mate!!
#Awesome.
I`ve
used
his
drum
samples
that
Warder
had
taken
into
his
song
called
"Thanatos
Minor".
#Nitzer.
Three
samples
have
been
taken
from
his
masterpiece,
"The
Adventure".
Absolutely
a
great
piece
of
music!
#Tourach.
I`ve
taken
one
sample
from
one
of
his
unfinished
songs.
use
any
of
these
samples,
please
remem-
ber
to
contribute
the
rightfull
owners
for
them.
Thank
you!
-------------------------
Greetings:
Warder.
Zealan.
Tourach.
Awesome.
Nitzer.
Westis.
Purple
Motion.
Kriffin.
Wayfinder.
Anders
A.
..
and
all
the
people
in
the
whole
wide
world
wholike
my
music!!