Opening
music
for
a
short
film
by
directors
Marko
Keser
and
Terry
McMullin.
The
film
recently
won
best
cinematography
at
the
Australian
Cinematography
Society
Awards.
Thanks
go
to
Marko
for
the
opportunity
to
write
some
film
music
-
hope
the
future
projects
come
through.
You
might
recognise
this
one
-
based
on
Heat
Miser
by
Massive
Attack
from
their
album
-
Protection.
Also
have
a
listen
to
the
closing
themes...
Samples
are
original
Chris
Jarvis
/
Analogue
-
Written
October
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Film
Credits:-
Purgatory
film
by
Terry
McMullin
&
Marko
Keser
Arwed
Turon
Holly
Myers
Screenplay:
Terry
McMullin
Liz
Rourke
Mikako
Kida
Marko
Keser
Cinematography:
Marko
Keser
Terry
McMullin
Music:
Scott
Perry
Chris
Jarvis
(Analogue
Productions)
Post
Production:
Marko
Keser
Associate
Producers:
Liz
Rourke
Mikako
Kida
Produced
&
Directed:
Terry
McMullin
Marko
Keser
Thanks:
Rosalind
Abraham
Tanya
Smith
Fiona
Haldane
Sher'ee
Furkak
Charlotte
Knottenbeit
Megumi
Sakuma
Nev
Mr
&
Mrs
McMullin
Chris
&
Neil
Carron
Pagemaster
Jeffrey
Lim
Claude
Roger
Myk
Edward
the
Table
Merlin
the
Magician
Tijuana
Taxi
by
Ervan
Coleman
Coleman
/
Flamingo
Irvin
Music
Inc.
Used
by
permission
Rondor
Music
Aus.
Pty
Ltd
Warner
Chappell
Music
Pty
Ltd
Copyright
(C)
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