Written
for
the
closing
credits
of
"Purgatory",
a
short
film
by
Terry
McMullin
and
Marko
Keser
-
recently
won
best
cinematography
in
the
Australian
Cinematography
Society
awards.
Have
a
listen
to
the
opening
theme
too.
Samples
are
original..
Chris
Jarvis
/
Analogue
-
Written
October
cjtrack@student.adelaide.edu.au
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Film
credits:
Purgatory,
film
by
Terry
McMullin
&
Marko
Keser.
Arwed
Turon
Holly
Myers
Screenplay:
Terry
McMullin
Liz
Rourke
Mikako
Kida
Marko
Keser
Cinematography:
Marko
Keser
Terry
McMullin
Music:
Scott
Perry
Chris
Jarvis
(of
Analogue
Productions)
Post
Production:
Marko
Keser
Associate
Producers:
Liz
Rourke
Mikako
Kida
Produced
&
Directed:
Terry
McMullin
Marko
Keser
Thanks:
Rosalind
Abraham
Tanya
Smith
Fiona
Haldane
Sher'ee
Furkak
Charlotte
Knottenbeit
Megumi
Sakuma
Nev
Mr
&
Mrs
McMullin
Chris
&
Neil
Carron
Pagemaster
Jeffrey
Lim
Claude
Roger
Myk
Edward
the
Table
Merlin
the
Magician
Tijuana
Taxi
by
Ervan
Coleman
Coleman
/
Flamingo
Irvin
Music
Inc.
Used
by
permission
Rondor
Music
Aus.
Pty
Ltd
Warner
Chappell
Music
Pty
Ltd
Copyright
(C)
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