By
Falcon/Substance
[08.04.96]
Wszystkie
gitarowe
sekwencje
zostaly
skomponowane
oraz
wykonane
przeze
mnie.
All
samples
by
me,
except
#11
and
#13
(by
Scorpik)...and
#16
Sorry
and
Thanx
!!!
If
you
want
swap
some
mods/samples/ufo
stuff
then
write
to
me:
Jacek
Dojwa
ul.
Wesola
37/31
50-521
Wroclaw
Greets
to
those
m8ts:
Akira,
Chaser,
Dix,
Haricon,
Insane,
KeyG,
Maf,
Mr.
Vain,
Raiden,
Ralfik,Scorpik,
Unreal
Vildis
and
Wazon.
Spring
'96